
A hand sign detector built using PyTorch

Primary LanguagePython

Hand Gesture Detector


  • pytorch
  • torchvision
  • python
  • OpenCV


This repo contains the code and dataset used to train a hand sign detector using PyTorch, to detect three signs to control a media player - Play/Pause, Next and Previous


  • Dataset - Located in the Dataset folder as .jpg images separated by folders corresponding to their classes/hand-signs (Arrow Left, Arrow Right, Stop)
  • train.py - Used to train the network
  • test.py - Used to evaluate test scores of the trained network
  • Network.py - Contains the Neural Network representation
  • data_loader.py - Contains useful functions to convert dataset into csv
  • camera.py - Captures camera feed and displays the output of the neural network on the feed

Steps for execution

  • Convert the dataset into csv by executing,

    python data_loader.py
  • You can alter the layers of the neural network in Network.py and execute the following to train the model,

    python train.py
  • Evaluate the model using the test dataset generated by dataloader.py by executing,

    python test.py
  • See the model in action by executing,

    python camera.py