Short description (one line) about what this project stands for.
Short project's overview (one paragraph) explaining what this project stands for. Using this boilerplate, three lines is a good length for briefly explaining this project's purpose while respecting the base layout. 👽
[?] So, how users can get this project up and running on their machines?
# Describe it in a nice way. Code samples with installation basics works great
$ npm install --global ghdocs
$ ghdocs
Getting Started
[?] What does this project stands for?
[?] Tell contributors how to use it.
[?] Write some Contributing guidelines or a Contributors list (or both!). Like:
Please read for more details.
or if you like it simple:
this repository- Create a
your changesPush
to thebranch
- Submit a
pull request
You can find more information about Pull Requests here
Check also the list of contributors who helped on this project.
Changelog 📝
[?] Write here a link for your
file. It's also commonly calledHISTORY
Acknowledgments 👍
[?] Reference someone's code you used, insert an external link or thank people, i.e.:
- Definitely a must-have.
- Travis-CI. Another must-have. Test and Deploy with Confidence.
To-Do 👨
[?] If your project is still in an early release, a to-do list is a good thing to keep track:
- Include something
- Another something
- So on...
[?] Include a refence for the license you choosed. For this project my take was the Public License. More licenses here.
To the extent possible under law, YOUR_NAME_HERE has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.