Vim Configuration


Before using this Vim configuration, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. Neovim: Ensure that you have Neovim installed with a version equal to or greater than v0.7.0.

  2. Packer: Packer is used as the plugin manager for this configuration. You can install it by running the following command:

    git clone --depth 1 ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim


  1. Clone this repository into your .config folder inside your home directory:

    git clone ~/.config/nvim
  2. Traverse to lua/adityaparmar/packer.lua and source the file to ensure everything is set up correctly.

  3. Run PackerSync to download the required dependencies. This will install the plugins specified in the configuration.

  4. Optionally, you can run lua ColorMyPencils to keep your existing terminal colors. Note that this will be removed every time you run PackerSync.


This Vim configuration comes with the following features and plugins:

  • Telescope: A highly extensible fuzzy finder.

  • RosePine: A color scheme for Vim.

  • Tresitter: Syntax trees for highlighting, indenting, and more.

  • Harpoon: A navigation and session management plugin.

  • Undotree: Visualize and navigate through your undo tree.

  • Vim Fugitive: Git integration.

  • LSP (lsp_zero): Language Server Protocol support.

  • Dashboard: A start page for Neovim.

  • Vim Commentary: Commenting plugin.

  • Nerdtree: File system explorer.

  • BufferTerm: Terminal in a buffer.

  • Vim-Airline: A lightweight status/tabline.

  • Co-pilot: Assists in writing code.

  • Tag and Bracket Closer (DelimitMate): Automatic closing of tags and brackets.


Screenshot 1 Maintaining original terminal color

Screenshot 2 Rosepine Telescope

Screenshot 3 Running PackerSync


Feel free to customize and contribute to make this Vim configuration even more awesome!