Getting Started

Get image for Cassandra

docker pull cassandra:latest

Create separate network for Cassandra

docker network create cassandra

Spin up Cassandra container

docker run --rm -d --name cassandra --hostname cassandra --network cassandra cassandra

Running the scripts

docker run --rm --network cassandra -v "$(pwd)/scripts/data.cql:/scripts/data.cql" -e CQLSH_HOST=cassandra -e CQLSH_PORT=9042 -e CQLVERSION=3.4.6 nuvo/docker-cqlsh

In this step, you might get an error regarding connection not being established:

Checking connection to cassandra...
Can't establish connection, will retry again in 1 sconds
Can't establish connection, will retry again in 2 sconds
Can't establish connection, will retry again in 3 sconds
Can't establish connection, will retry again in 4 sconds
Can't establish connection, will retry again in 5 sconds
Failed to connect to cassandra at cassandra:9042

This might happen due to the version mismatch of the CQL version. If so, you can run the next step to know the compactible version of CQL and decide on the CQL version to use.

Interactive shell

docker run --rm -it --network cassandra nuvo/docker-cqlsh cqlsh cassandra 9042 --cqlversion='3.4.6'

Inside the CQLshell, run the below statements to playaround the data:

SELECT * FROM store.shopping_cart;
INSERT INTO store.shopping_cart (userid, item_count) VALUES ('4567', 20);


docker kill cassandra
docker network rm cassandra