Represent sets using one dimensional arrays and implement functions to perform i. Union ii. Intersection iii. Difference iv. Symmetric difference of two sets
Represent matrix using two dimensional arrays and perform following operations with and without pointers: i. Addition ii. multiplication iii. transpose iv. Saddle point
Implement following operations on string with / without pointers (without using library functions) i. Length ii. Palindrome iii. String comparison iv. Copy v. Reverse vi. Substring
Create a Database using array of structures and perform following operations on it: i. Create Database ii. Display Database iii. Add record iv. Search record v. Modify record vi. Delete record
a) Sort the set of strings in ascending order using Bubble sort and descending order by using Selection sort or Insertion sort. (Display pass by pass output) b) Search a particular string using binary search with and without recursion.
Implement sequential file and perform following operations: i. Display ii. Add records iii. Search record iv. Modify record v. Delete record
Implement Quick Sort / Merge Sort to sort the given list of numbers. Display corresponding list in each pass. (with and without recursion)
Accept conventional matrix and convert it into sparse matrix using structure and perform addition, simple and fast transpose
Implement a singly linked list with following options i. Insertion of a node at any location ii. Deletion of a node from any location iii. display a list iv. Display in reverse v. Reverse the list without using additional data structure.
Implement polynomial using CLL and perform i. Addition of Polynomials ii. Multiplication of polynomials and iii. Evaluation of polynomial
Implement any database using doubly linked list with following options i. Insert a record ii. delete a record iii. modify a record iv. Display list forward v. Display list backward
Implement Generalized Linked List to create and display the book index.