
Model to predict win-loss in NHL games.

Primary LanguagePython

Predicting win/loss for NHL games using Supervised Learning



NHL hockey games are notoriously difficult to predict. There is common acceptance among hockey analytics enthusiasts that it is not possible to do better than 62% accuracy (i.e. 38% is due to luck). Interestingly, the NHL has recently announced a partnership with MGM Resorts to enable sports betting.

Could we do better than 62% accuracy using supervised machine learning?

At this stage the model is focused on the smaller subquestion of predicting games for only the Vancouver Canucks.

Model Description

Here is the report from our initial model build which uses machine learning decision trees and random forests.

The main variables we use in this model are as follows:

  • Did the team of interest win the game? (won column, TRUE/FALSE)
  • Home or Away game? (HoA column, home/away)
  • Who is the opponent? (team_id column, 1-31)
  • What proportion of goals were scored by the team of interest? (calculated using goals column for both teams, 0-1)
  • What proportion of shots were made by the team of interest? (calculated using shots column for both teams, 0-1)
  • What proportion of shots were saved by the team of interest? (calculated using goals and shots columns, 0-1)


Using Docker

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Download and clone this repository.
  3. Run the following code in terminal to download the Docker image:
docker pull adityashrm21/dsci-522_nhl-game-predictor
  1. Use the command line to navigate to the root of this repo.
  2. Type the following code into terminal to run the analysis (filling in PATH_ON_YOUR_COMPUTER with the absolute path to the root of this project on your computer):
docker run --rm -it -e PASSWORD=nhlprediction -v <PATH_ON_YOUR_COMPUTER>:/home/nhl/nhl-game-predictor adityashrm21/dsci-522_nhl-game-predictor:latest make -C "/home/nhl/nhl-game-predictor" all
  1. If you would like a fresh start, type the following:
docker run --rm -it -e PASSWORD=nhlprediction -v <PATH_ON_YOUR_COMPUTER>:/home/nhl/nhl-game-predictor adityashrm21/dsci-522_nhl-game-predictor:latest make -C "/home/nhl/nhl-game-predictor" clean

Using make command

Use Makefile to run the whole pipeline:

  • Clone this repository and then navigate to the root directory and run the following commands:
make clean # to clean up existing files and pre-existing results/images
make all # to run all the scripts and create fresh results and output

The description of the files and the make commands is provided below as well as in the Makefile.

# Steps involved in the analysis

# Step 1: Cleans the data and creates train and test datasets
data/train.csv data/test.csv : source/cleaning_nhl_data.R data/game_teams_stats.csv data/team_id.txt
	Rscript source/cleaning_nhl_data.R data/game_teams_stats.csv data/train.csv data/test.csv data/team_id.txt

# Step 2: EDA along with creating relavent graph using data generated frmo step 1
imgs/fig-1_home-away.jpg : source/exploring_nhl_data.R data/train.csv
	Rscript source/exploring_nhl_data.R data/train.csv imgs/fig-1_home-away.jpg home_game.x "Canucks Home Game?" TRUE "Figure 1: Impact of game location - home or away"

# Step 3: EDA along with creating relavent graph using data generated frmo step 1
imgs/fig-2_shots-diff.jpg : source/exploring_nhl_data.R data/train.csv
	Rscript source/exploring_nhl_data.R data/train.csv imgs/fig-2_shots-diff.jpg shots_ratio_prev1.diff "" FALSE "Figure 2: Difference of moving average shots ratio between Canucks and opponent"

# Step 4: Uses data created from step 1 to generate model selection table and feature importances using cross validation
results/model_selection.csv results/feature_importance.csv results/max_depth.png : source/finding_best_model.py data/train.csv data/test.csv
	python3 source/finding_best_model.py data/train.csv data/test.csv results/

# Step 5: Uses the output from step 4 to build the final model using top 12 features and generate the final results
results/final_result.csv results/dtree results/dtree.pdf : source/building_model.py results/model_selection.csv data/train.csv data/test.csv results/feature_importance.csv
	python3 source/building_model.py results/model_selection.csv data/train.csv data/test.csv results/ results/feature_importance.csv

# Step 6: creating the markdown report file using the output from all the above steps
doc/results_report.md : doc/results_report.Rmd data/train.csv data/test.csv imgs/fig-1_home-away.jpg imgs/fig-2_shots-diff.jpg results/model_selection.csv results/feature_importance.csv results/max_depth.png results/final_result.csv results/dtree results/dtree.pdf
	Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('doc/results_report.Rmd')"

Running scripts manually

  • Clone this repo, and using the command line, navigate to the root of this project.

  • Run the following commands:

Rscript source/cleaning_nhl_data.R data/game_teams_stats.csv data/train.csv data/test.csv data/team_id.txt
Rscript source/exploring_nhl_data.R data/train.csv imgs/fig-1_home-away.jpg home_game.x "Canucks Home Game?" TRUE "Figure 1: Impact of game location - home or away"
Rscript source/exploring_nhl_data.R data/train.csv imgs/fig-2_shots-diff.jpg shots_ratio_prev1.diff "" FALSE "Figure 2: Difference of moving average shots ratio between Canucks and opponent"
python3 source/finding_best_model.py data/train.csv data/test.csv results/
python3 source/building_model.py results/model_selection.csv data/train.csv data/test.csv results/ results/feature_importance.csv
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('doc/results_report.Rmd')"

Makefile dependency graph


  • R (3.5.1) & R libraries:
Package Version
knitr 1.20
tidyverse 1.2.1
rmarkdown 1.10
here 0.1
zoo 1.8.4
gridExtra 2.3
  • Python & Python libraries:
Package Version
matplotlib 2.2.2
numpy 1.14.3
pandas 0.23.0
sklearn 0.19.1
argparse 1.4.0
graphviz 0.10.1