Hi everyone! Here we have showcased our first project which is a clone of SHOPPERS STOP website. The project was asigned to us by MASAI SCHOOL.
Shoppers Stop is an Indian department store chain.There are 46 stores across 13 cities and largest town in India, with clothing, toys, beauticare, accessories, shoes ans sandals, Heels, fragrances, cosmetics,and beauty products, home furnishing, and decorations products Items.
“Our team member have put great efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind of support and help of many individuals and organisations. We would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them."
1.Here it is a Login page of our website.
2.You have to fill your details in it and create your account it will redirect you to the Home Page.
3.If you don't have an account then you will have to signup.
4.If you have created an account, then you have to login directly.
- It displays the User details.
- The details can also be edited, through this page.
1.This is the main and landing page of our website.
2. If you click on the product, it will directly redirect you to on that productpage.
3. We have created different pages,like womens page,kids pages,watches page etc.
4. While hovering on the different sections, we can see different categories of each section.
5. In the footer section we have linked the social media pages(facebook,instagram,twitter) of ShopperStop.
- This pages displays the items.
- Each item has 2 buttons one adds to cart and other to wishlist.
- You can sort the product according to your choice.
- We have provided different sorting option like,sort by popularity,sort by price,color,brands,discounts,etc.
- This page displays the Wishlist.
- Each item has 2 buttons one adds item directly to the cart other removes it from wishlist.
- If you have already added a product in the cart and you try to add it once again it will show a alert that it is already in the cart.
- After adding each product to the cart , it will get deleted from the wishlist page also.
1.When you add to bag a product it will redirect you to the add to bag page.
2. Here you will see your details about the product.
4. From here also, you can remove the product by clicking on the remove button.
5. We have provided a coupon i.e "APRIL22" ,after applying a coupon you will get an extra 10% discount.
6.After clicking on checkout it will redirect you to the CHECKOUT PAGE.
1.Here you will fill your full address and details.
2.On clicking save and proceed it will redirect you to the payment page.
- Here you have to fill the details of your card.
- It will redirect you to OTP confirmation page.
1.Here you will enter your otp i.e"12345".
2.It will redirect you to the confirmation page.
3.After clicking on "Keep Shopping more!!" you will be redirected to ShopperStop homepage.