A modern Neovim configuration with full support for Python, C++, Java, Web Dev and more...
Vim SnippetMIT
- adityastomar67Intern at Nagarro
- aishwarya-shrivastava12
- aurum77~
- bnpneCarlsbad, CA
- cloud303-cholden@Cloud303
- darkristy
- DawimpySomewhere in the world
- Dereklee0312Perth, Australia
- EnriqueVidalCloverInteractive
- episodman
- FigaarilloCórdoba, Argentina
- immarisabelRotterdam, NL
- isvicy
- J-HaleOf76Ohio
- kiritosanChina
- KritiqualHanoi, Vietnam
- lecav30Peru, Lima
- lnstuderHochschule Luzern
- MagicalPineapple
- MehdiQaos
- namchuaivnIndie group
- noname07Hexacta
- notyumin
- pharok
- Provmawn
- singhhhx
- tarkin88Jalisco, México
- wa11breaker/dev/null
- webwesen