Bit Finance


Crypto payments made easy

Table of Contents


Cryptocurrencies are the talk of the town. Today, we use them as a mere tradable assets. With the rise of Stable Coins like USDCoin, ever wondered that a time will come when we use cryptocurrencies as a day to day mode of payment? Majority of the existing cryptocurrency wallets tend to be clunky to operate and are developer oriented. A solution is needed to store and monitor your crypto accounts in a user-friendly way. Hence, presenting our app Bit Finance. Our application takes the exciting world of cryptocurrency and makes it available at your fingertips.


A few of the things that you can do with Bit Finance:

  • Bit Finance provides you a way to easily send money to anyone, at the simple scan of a QR code.
  • Virtual Payment Addresses enable users to send and receive money by just sharing a short customizable payment address, hence eliminating the need to memorize and storing the long public addresses of crypto accounts.
  • Enter the amount in Rupees and Bit Finance automatically converts the amount to the equivalent in Ether hence enabling you to make payments at lightening speed.
  • Create Payment Requests to recieve money from a specific person.
  • You can store your accounts, view your balance and recent transactions along with the latest exchange rates.


Build Instructions

  1. Clone the project
  2. In the root folder, to install project dependencies run, flutter pub get
  3. In the Bit Finance/lib/env folder, create a file with the name env.g.dart and paste the following code:
part of 'env.dart';

class _Env {
  static const DEV = '<RPC URL of development Ethereum blockchain>';
  static const SEP ='<RPC URL of production Ethereum blockchain>';
  static const NOTIFKEY ='<API Key of Pushy Push Notification API>';
  static const EXCHANGEKEY = "";
  1. Initializing Firebase SDK
    1. Install Firebase CLI and Flutterfire CLI
    2. Login to the CLI using command firebase login
    3. Run command flutterfire configure
    4. Choose create a new project and enter a new name for the project
    5. Choose android
    6. Go to the Firebase Console:
      1. In Authentication and enable Email/Password Authentication
      2. Enable Firestore Database
  2. To install and start the app, select your target device and run the command flutter run

Tools Used

  • Flutter SDK
  • VS Code
  • Ganache
  • Postman
  • Android Emulator


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