An ACL package for Python Applications


An ACL package for Python Applications


PyIAM aims to be a package, which provides a framework for managing access to Resources (Python objects) in a system. The aim is to very generic and closely follow the IAM approach of GCP, which is a well proven system and provides a very good sepratation of concern to each part of the system.

Basic Teminology

  1. ResourceType: An entity for which accesses are being managed
  2. Resource: An actual instance of a resource type
  3. Action: Some operation that can be performed on a Resource, the actions can be customizable however for now they would be limited to
    1. Create
    2. Read
    3. Update
    4. Delete
  4. Permissions: A combination of Resource and Action
  5. Role: A group of permissions, it's not allowed to use permissions directly.
  6. Policies: A rule binding Actors/Groups to Roles
  7. Groups: A set of Actors
  8. Actor: An entity which is capable of performing an Action on a Resource, according to the permissions. It can be a user, a web service, a Python object, anything which satisfies the interface. Can be persisted in a storage, or in memory.

How will the permission work?

An Actor will be added to a Policy with a specific Role(s).

This Policy will be attached to a Resource, granting the Actor the Role on the Resource.