Palindrome Checker


This is a simple web application that checks if a given input (word or phrase) is a palindrome.

How to Use

  1. Open the project using the CodePen link provided in the repository description.
  2. You will see an input field and a button on the webpage.
  3. Enter a word or phrase into the input field.
  4. Click the "Check" button.
  5. The result will be displayed below the button.

Code Structure

  • index.html: This file contains the HTML structure of the application. It includes a text input field for the user to enter a word or phrase, a button to check if the input is a palindrome, and a div to display the result.
  • styles.css: This file contains the CSS styles for the application. It includes styles for the body, container, input field, button, and result div.
  • script.js: This file contains the JavaScript logic to check if the input is a palindrome.