
Exports data from google sheets to json format

Primary LanguageC#

Google Sheets 2 JSON Build Status

Sheet to json exporter with a built-in parser with its own readable syntax for defining data types.


  • > is used to define a range

1 > 2 will translate to { "min" : 1, "max" : 2 } in json

  • [ and ] are used to define arrays of any type

[1, 2, 3] will translate to [1, 2, 3] in json
[one, two, three] will translate to ["one", "two", "three"] in json

  • ( and ) are used to define a key value pair of any type

(1, 2) will translate to { "key" : 1, "value" : 2 } in json
(1, one) will translate to { "key": 1, "value": "one" } in json {1, one} will translate to [{ "key": 1, "value": "one" }] in json {1, one} {2, two} will translate to [{ "key": 1, "value": "one" }, { "key": 2, "value": "two" }] in json

  • #comment columns will be ignored by the parser

For more complex examples and real usage see at the bottom


  • Clone the repository, open it in any IDE that supports C#.
  • Run nuget restore GoogleSheet2Json.sln or use the IDE for getting the required google packages for the solution.
  • Build the solution in RELEASE mode if you don’t want to get tons of logs from the parser.

Google config

Get the client_secret.json by following this guide. Put the client_secret.json in the same directory of the application.

Exporter config

The application requires some simple configurations, some of them are set in a json file. with the following required fields.

applicationName can be GoogleSheet2Json
spreadSheetId you can get it from the sheet url
clientSecret relative path to the client secret from the application

Other configurations are passed as command line arguments:


-keyRange=RANGE RANGE is something like A1:K, read google's guide for accessing keys
-valueRange=RANGE RANGE is something like A2:K, read google's guide for accessing values


-outputDir=OTHER/DIR/ if you want to set a different output directory from the one defined in the config file
-outputFileName=SOME_NAME.extension will throw a warning if not set
-isSingleObject can export single object defined as key value pairs, see example below
-isLiteral=key_1,key_2,key_n data can be exported as it is, without being lexed, see example below