// get the number of vertices and constraints
int n_vertices = mMesh->vertices().size();
int n_constraints = mRoiList.size();
// for the rest of the mB
for (int k = 0; k < n_constraints; ++k) {
int i = mRoiList[k]->index();
if (curr_area[i] != 0) mB.row(n_vertices + k) = (mRoiList[k]->position().cast<double>()) * Wl0 * sqrt(ori_area[i]/curr_area[i]);
else mB.row(n_vertices + k) = (mRoiList[k]->position().cast<double>()) * Wl0;
// calculate new position
Eigen::MatrixX3f newPositions(n_vertices, 3);
for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
// rhs matrix = mA.T * mB
Eigen::VectorXd rhs = mA.transpose() * mB.col(d);
Eigen::VectorXd x = mCholeskySolver->solve(rhs);
// change the ans to float
newPositions.col(d) = x.cast<float>();
// set new position for all the vertices
for (Vertex *vert : mMesh->vertices()) {
int i = vert->index();
if (curr_area[i] <= 0.7) vert->setColor(VCOLOR_RED);
Eigen::Vector3f newPosition = newPositions.row(i);
SIGGRAPH2008 Reproduction - Bonus assignment of Advanced Computer Graphics