
Very fast HTTP router with annotations support for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-7 and PSR-15

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Fast HTTP router with annotations support for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-7 and PSR-15

Gitter Build Status CodeFactor Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License



Benchmark (1k iterations with 1k routes)

You can see it here

| subject   | its  | mean         | diff  |
| Sunrise   | 1000 | 17,856.609μs | 1.00x |
| FastRoute | 1000 | 20,920.968μs | 1.17x |
| Aura      | 1000 | 44,480.588μs | 2.49x |
| Zend      | 1000 | 96,778.725μs | 5.42x |

Installation (via composer)

composer require sunrise/http-router

How to use?

Study sunrise/awesome-skeleton to understand how this can be used.


This package has annotation support, all the details are here.


The example uses other sunrise packages, but you can use for example zend/diactoros, or any other.

composer require sunrise/http-message sunrise/http-server-request
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Sunrise\Http\Message\ResponseFactory;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\Exception\RouteNotFoundException;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\RouteCollection;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\Router;
use Sunrise\Http\ServerRequest\ServerRequestFactory;

class DemoMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
    public function process(
        ServerRequestInterface $request,
        RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : ResponseInterface
        $response = $handler->handle($request);

        $response->getBody()->write(sprintf('URI: "%s"; Attributes: "%s"',
            $request->getUri(), print_r($request->getAttributes(), true)

        return $response;

$routes = new RouteCollection();

$routes->get('home', '/')
->addMiddleware(new DemoMiddleware);

$routes->group('/api', function($routes)
    $routes->group('/v1', function($routes)
        $routes->post('resource.create', '/resource')
        ->addMiddleware(new DemoMiddleware);

        $routes->patch('resource.update', '/resource/{id}')
        ->addPattern('id', '\d+')
        ->addMiddleware(new DemoMiddleware);

        $routes->delete('resource.delete', '/resource/{id}')
        ->addPattern('id', '\d+')
        ->addMiddleware(new DemoMiddleware);

        $routes->get('resource.read', '/resource/{id}')
        ->addPattern('id', '\d+')
        ->addMiddleware(new DemoMiddleware);

        $routes->get('resource.all', '/resource')
        ->addMiddleware(new DemoMiddleware);

$router = new Router();

    $response = $router->handle(ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals());
catch (MethodNotAllowedException $e)
    $response = (new ResponseFactory)->createResponse(405)
    ->withHeader('allow', implode(',', $e->getAllowedMethods()));

catch (RouteNotFoundException $e)
    $response = (new ResponseFactory)->createResponse(404);


$headers = $response->getHeaders();

foreach ($headers as $name => $values)
    foreach ($values as $value)
        header(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value), false);

header(sprintf('HTTP/%s %d %s',
), true);

echo $response->getBody();

Adding a route to the collection

Adds a new route to the collection
$route = $routes->route('route.id', '/route/path', ['HEAD', 'GET']);
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to HEAD requests
$route = $routes->head('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to GET requests
$route = $routes->get('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to POST requests
$route = $routes->post('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to PUT requests
$route = $routes->put('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to PATCH requests
$route = $routes->patch('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to DELETE requests
$route = $routes->delete('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to PURGE requests
$route = $routes->purge('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to safe requests
$route = $routes->safe('route.id', '/route/path');
Adds a new route to the collection that will respond to any requests
$route = $routes->any('route.id', '/route/path');

Route grouping

// Add a route to the collection with the path: /foo/bar/baz/qux
$routes->group('/foo', function($routes)
    $routes->group('/bar', function($routes)
        $routes->group('/baz', function($routes)
            $route = $routes->get('qux', '/qux');

Route patterns

$route = $routes->any('resource.action', '/resource/{action}(/{id})')
->addPattern('action', 'create|update|delete|read|all')
->addPattern('id', '\d+');

Route middlewares

->addMiddleware(new FooMiddleware)
->addMiddleware(new BarMiddleware)
->addMiddleware(new BazMiddleware);

Router middlewares

->addMiddleware(new FooMiddleware)
->addMiddleware(new BarMiddleware)
->addMiddleware(new BazMiddleware);

Router matching

$route = $router->match($request);

Useful Middlewares

Error handling (whoops)

composer require middlewares/whoops
$router->addMiddleware(new \Middlewares\Whoops());

Payload (payload)

composer require middlewares/payload
$router->addMiddleware(new \Middlewares\JsonPayload());
$router->addMiddleware(new \Middlewares\UrlEncodePayload());

Encoding (encoder)

composer require middlewares/encoder
$router->addMiddleware(new \Middlewares\GzipEncoder());

Awesome PSR-15 Middlewares


Test run

php vendor/bin/phpunit

Benchmark run


Api documentation


Useful links