
server configuration management

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Server Configuration Management

This is a rudimentary configuration management tool to configure servers for production service of a simple PHP web application. This is similar to a tool like Puppet or Chef that meets the following specifications and then use that tool to configure the servers.

Requirements for your rudimentary configuration management tool:

  • This tool provides an abstraction that allows specifying a file's content and metadata (owner, group, mode)

  • This toolprovides an abstraction that allows installing and removing Debian packages

  • This tool provides mechanism for restarting a service when relevant files or packages are updated

  • This tool is idempotent and can apply configuration over and over again

Following are the steps to use this tool:

cd $HOME
mkdir -p go/github.com/adkhare
cd go/github.com/adkhare
git clone https://github.com/adkhare/polis.git
cd polis
source ~/.profile
go run main.go

This should execute everything that is configured in main.go - GetPolisStruct function

Following is the structure of the configuration examples for 3 main modules: Package:

"apache2_package": { // ID of the configuration which is unique across the whole configuration
    ModuleType: "Package", // Type of the Module
    Ensure:     true, // Ensure to either apply/unapply the module
    Module: polis.Package{ // Specific Module level configuration
        Name: "apache2", // Name of the package


"apache2_index_php": {
    ModuleType: "File",
    Ensure:     true,
    Triggers:   "apache2_service",
    Module: polis.File{
        Path: "/var/www/html/index.php", // Path of the file
        Contents: `<?php

header("Content-Type: text/plain");

echo "Hello, world!\n";`, // Contents of the file
        Owner: "root", // Owner of the file
        Group: "root", // Group of the file
        Perm:  0644, // Mode of the file


"apache2_service": {
    ModuleType:    "Service",
    Ensure:        true,
    TriggerAction: "restart",
    Module: polis.Service{
        Name: "apache2", // Name of the service

In order to make changes to the configuration, please change the struct object in main.go:GetPolisStruct function.

Following were the requirements and explanation of how configuration drives those changes:

  1. If your tool has dependencies not available on a standard Ubuntu instance you may include a bootstrap.sh program to resolve them
    • ./bootstrap.sh - installs go1.19 using tar and adds the go binary to the PATH and also sets the $GOPATH and $GOROOT
  2. Tool must provide abstraction for files, packages and service
    • Module is an interface which is part of Polis struct that is implemented implicitly by File, Package and Service structs by implementing required methods
  3. Triggering capability between different modules
    • Polis struct configures capability for providing
      • Triggers which defines which ID of the module to trigger
      • TriggerAction which defines what is the action that needs to be executed when the Module is triggered Example: in the above example configurations, apache2_index_php triggers apache2_index_php. Which means when the file index.php is created/updated/deleted, apache2 service will be restarted
  4. Tool must be idempotent
    • Module interface provides function of Check which is used in Apply function to ensure that changes are made only if Check is false that facilitates the tool being idempotent
  5. All current configurations that are set in GetPolisStruct in main.go will ensure to install everything, configure the index.php and ensure to restart the apache2 server
  6. This code currently assumes that the new hosts are exactly the same config as that of and


  1. Configuration can be changed to using yaml file instead of making configuration changes in the go code in main.go
I have given some efforts in doing so. However, due to lack of my golang knowledge, I was unable to
implement a yaml unmarshaller which can unmarshal embedded structs which are structs that
implicitly satisfy interface
  1. Currently, the modules are executed in random order. However, this can be changed by implementing a sorting approach which or a priority queue which prioritises modules