
A TypeScript boilerplate for testing Solidity smart contracts that uses tools from @0xproject

Primary LanguageSolidity

TypeScript + Web3 Boilerplate

Boilerplate project for testing Solidity smart contracts with TypeScript

Huge thanks to @fabioberger and the @0xproject team for building these tools and helping share them with the community!

Install Dependencies

If you don't have yarn workspaces enabled (Yarn < v1.0) - enable them:

yarn config set workspaces-experimental true

Then install dependencies (due to a compatibility issue with web3js and yarn, you'll need to run npm install as well)

yarn install
npm install


yarn build


yarn build:watch


yarn clean


yarn lint

Run Tests

Before running the tests, you will need to spin up a Ganache instance.

In a separate terminal, start Ganache


Then in your main terminal run

yarn test