
REST adapter to provide main Keycloak administration functionality through an API

Primary LanguagePython


keycloak-rest-adapter is a REST API made in Flask that abstracts Keycloak's Admin REST API. It is documented using Swagger: run the application and check the /swagger-ui endpoint in your web browser for API documentation.


For security reasons, it is recommended that clients typically be registered in a custom Keycloak Realm, i.e. not in Master. The REST Adapter is an exception and must be registered in the Master Realm to be able to create and manage Keycloak clients.

Register keycloak-rest-adapter in the your Keycloak instance, in the "master" realm with client credentials enabled. Enable admin permissions for the REST Adapter in the "Service Account Roles" tab.

Modify default_adapter_config.py to contain your configuration, notably:

# Keycloak
KEYCLOAK_SERVER = "<Your Keycloak server>"
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID = "keycloak-rest-adapter"

Now configure OIDC for the REST Adapter. Register keycloak-rest-adapter again in Keycloak, this time in realm you use to register clients. Enable Implicit flow since this is used by the Swagger interface.

Modify default_adapter_config.py to contain your configuration, notably:

# Keycloak server
KEYCLOAK_SERVER = "https://keycloak-dev.cern.ch"
# The realm on which the rest adapter operates
# Client that needs to have admin rights in the 'cern' realm and exist in the 'master' realm
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID = "keycloak-rest-adapter"
# Note that this must be the client secret of the "keycloak-rest-adapter" client in
# the "master" realm

If you need to override the default configs, you can set the KEYCLOAK_REST_ADAPTER_CONFIG environment variable with the path to the configuration overrides:

export KEYCLOAK_REST_ADAPTER_CONFIG=/opt/config/keycloak-overrides.py


Setting up the environment

Run the activate.sh script using this command. It will create a virtualenv and install all the project dependencies.

source activate.sh

Note: this project uses pip-compile to generate the requirements.txt file. It should not be edited manually!

Running locally

In order to run the server locally, the simplest way is to use the flask debug server.

Copy the file default_adapter_config.py to test_adapter_config.py (test_adapter_config*.py files are gitignored) and override the settings you need to override, most likely KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET:

# Note that this must be the client secret of the "keycloak-rest-adapter" client in
# the "master" realm
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET = "blah-blah-guid"

The .flaskenv file will set KEYCLOAK_REST_ADAPTER_CONFIG=test_adapter_config.py so that your configuration overrides are loaded, then you can run

flask run

and access the swagger api on your local machine.


If you want to run all the integration tests, you'll need to have Docker started on your machine.

To install all the test dependencies:

pip install -r test-requirements.txt

Then, in the main folder, run:


In order to teardown the Keycloak instance running locally on port 8081, set TEARDOWN = True in test_keycloak_api_client.py.

After the integration tests run you can checkout your things with user/pass: admin:admin on http://localhost:8081.

Install dependencies

We manage the dependencies using pip. It is very advisable to install the dependencies in an isolated environment using virtualenv or a similar tool.

yum install python3-pip

Once we have pip installed, we will use it to fulfill the list of dependencies.

PIP_CONFIG_FILE=pip.conf pip install -r requirements.txt

On Windows (PowerShell):

pip install -r requirements.txt

Updating dependencies

We use pip-compile to keep track of all project dependencies. The requirements.in file lists all dependencies for this project. To update these (except for the packages that are version locked) run:

$ pip-compile -U

Note: pip-tools must be installed to run the above command.

Docker run

To build the docker container:

docker build . -t kc-rest

To run it exposing the port:

docker run -d --name keycloak-rest-adapter -p 8080:8080 kc-rest

Systemdfy service

Find the path where the system installed the python script. We will need it to configure the systemd unit later on.

find /usr/lib/ -name keycloak_rest_adapter.py

Create the file keycloak-rest-adapter.service on /etc/systemd/system/. We need to edit the value of the variable of ExecStart, and make sure it points to the python script returned before.


$ cat /etc/systemd/system/keycloak-rest-adapter.service
Description=Python Keycloak Rest Adapter
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keycloak_rest_adapter-0.1-py2.7.egg/keycloak-rest-adapter/keycloak_rest_adapter.py


Reload systemd daemon

After creating the new systemd unit, we just need to reload the systemd daemon, so it picks up these new changes.

systemctl daemon-reload

Starting the service

systemctl start keycloak-rest-adapter.service

Real time service logs

journalctl -u keycloak -f