
Generate image of genes given fasta file and motif file. The image identifies exons, introns, and locations of motifs within the gene.

Primary LanguagePython

Motif Mark

Motif mark generates an image of a gene, indicating locations of exons, introns, and motifs.

Motif mark takes two files as input: a fasta file and a motif file (with each motif on a single line).

Clone the repository

git clone <repo>

Establish conda environment

The required dependencies for establishing a new conda environment are located in the environment.yml file. Replace $CONDA_ENV_NAME with your desired name for the motif-mark conda environemnt.

conda create --name $CONDA_ENV_NAME -f environment.yml
conda activate $CONDA_ENV_NAME

Execution guide

1. Generate image

Run the following command to generate your image, replacing the variables with the corresponding values:

./motif-mark-oop.py -f $FASTA_FILE -m $MOTIF_FILE

By default, the python script will place the image in a directory output/ adjacent to the directory where the $FASTA_FILE is located. The default name of the image file will be the same as the $FASTA_FILE file, but with .png extension.

If you wish to use an alternative output directory, specify the location using the -d flag. If you wish for the file to have an alternative name, specify the name using the -o flag.