
AspNetCore - CRUD example following good practices of development.

Primary LanguageC#

CrudApp - AspNet Core 2.2

Running the application.

Running with Visual Studio

  • Open Crud.App.sln on Visual Studio 2017 15.7+ with .NET Core 2.2.104 SDK installed
  • Open Visual Studio Package Manager Console - set Crud.App.Infra.Data as default project and run the following command: update-database
  • Set Crud.App.WebSite as Startup Project
  • Play F5
  • Browser open: https://localhost:44324/

Running with command-line interface

  • "cd" into the main folder project where is the solution - Crud.App.sln
  • Run the following commands:
  • dotnet restore
  • dotnet build
  • dotnet ef database update --project src/Crud.App.Infra.Data
  • dotnet run --project src/Crud.App.WebSite
  • Browser open: https://localhost:5001/

Running tests from command-line interface

  • Unit Tests and Integration Tests "dotnet test" command in the main folder, or separately, accessing their own folders
  • cd tests\Crud.App.Tests.Integration
  • cd tests\Crud.App.Tests.Unity