
Reading and implementing examples from book. Test-Driven Development - Teste e Design no Mundo Real com .NET

Primary LanguageC#

Studying Test Driven Development

#Chapter-03 - Introduction to TDD

  • An example using a Roman numeral converter

#Chapter-04 - Simplicity and Baby Steps

  • An example using Salary calculator

#Chapter-05 - TDD and Class Design

  • Shipping Cart returning the value of most valuable product

#Chapter-06 - Quality on Code Test

  • Refactoring codes from Chapter-05, SetUp, Test Data Builder, Asserts and TearDown

#Chapter-07 - TDD and Cohesion

  • Refactoring codes from Chapter-04, Creating interfaces and abstract class for discount calculator

#Chapter-08 - TDD and Coupling

  • Design tests with Mocks and how to decoupling from static classes and multiple classes at constructor

#Chapter-09 - TDD and Encapsulation

  • An example using a processor of payments

#Chapter-10 - Integration tests and TDD

  • How to test integrated functionalities like a database, I used EF Core as an example to save and list data with transactions to enable separated tests for each operation


  • Test-Driven Development - Teste e Design no Mundo Real com .NET