Coding Exercise - adlio


This program calculates the most frequently occuring n-grams in text files supplied as command line arguments or via standard input. By default it looks for 3-word sequences and outputs the 100 most common found.

Usage Examples

Command line arguments:

ngramfreq file1.txt file2.txt

Standard input and command line args combined:

cat first.txt | ngramfreq second.txt

Search for bigrams instead of trigrams:

ngramfreq -s 2 file1.txt

Output the top 10 instead of the top 100:

ngramfreq -n 10 file1.txt

Developer Setup Guide

This application is written in Go, using only the Go standard library. Follow the Go install guide appropriate for your OS.


  • Go (1.8+)

Cloning the Project

You'll want to check the project out in your $GOPATH.

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd adlio-coding-exercise

Running Tests

Tests should be run from the cmd/ngramfreq directory:

cd cmd/ngramfreq
go test

Compiling and Running

Compile and run the app from the cmd/ngramfreq directory:

cd cmd/ngramfreq
go build
./ngramfreq ./testdata/sonnets.txt

Architecture Decision Record (ADR)

This project's architectural decisions are being tracked in Markdown files in the adr directory.

Application Requirements

Below are the original requirements for this project:

  1. The program can be written in any language but should be easy to run.

  2. It should accept as arguments a list of one or more file paths (e.g. ./solution file1.txt file2.txt ...). The program also accepts input on stdin (e.g. cat file1.txt | ./solution).

  3. The program outputs a list of the 100 most common three word sequences in the text, along with a count of how many times each occurred in the text.

    For example:

     231 - i will not
     116 - i do not
     105 - there is no
     54 - i know not
     37 - i am not
  4. The program ignores punctuation, line endings, and is case insensitive (e.g. I love\nsandwiches. should be treated the same as (I LOVE SANDWICHES!!)).

  5. The program is capable of processing large files and runs as fast as possible.