
Abbreviated Experience Index for prototyping.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Experience Index Lite

Simplified implementation of an Experience Index (XI) initially developed as a test appliance DAU sandbox.

This repo contains a Docker Compose setup for standing up a simple XI, with Expess proxied behind Nginx for SSL and the common ENV variables ready to be configured. The scripts here assume an Ubuntu-like OS, but can be modified for others without much issue.


Setup is pretty straightforward, we need to ensure that Docker is installed and then it handles the rest. SSL is also pretty quick, but does take a few more steps.


  • git clone https://github.com/adlnet/xi-lite
  • cd xi-lite
  • sudo ./install-reqs.sh
  • cp example.env .env
  • cp xi/config.example.js xi/config.js
  • Populate the .env file (see below)
  • sudo ./init-ssl.sh <HOSTNAME> (see below)
  • sudo docker-compose up -d --build

Setting the Config Values

The repo comes with an example.env file that you will want to (but really should) configure. Each service has a few properties exposed by default, but you can refer to the Docker Hub docs for each to add more.

Service Variable Why am I setting this?
Nginx HOSTNAME Domain name of the machine used to host this stack, can be localhost
XI DB_CONTAINER Name of the database container for reference. Can also be a path
^ DB_NAME Name of the database in the database container.
^ COLLECTION_NAME Name of the mongo db collection.
^ SITE_ROOT Url root for the XI service, optional.
^ SITE_NAME Name for the html title.
^ KEYCLOAK_URL Root path for the intended Keycloak server.
^ KEYCLOAK_REALM Realm name for the Keycloak instance.
^ KEYCLOAK_CLIENT Client name for the Keycloak instance.
^ API_SECRET The secret that will be used for API queries with the XI.
^ EXACT_RESOLUTION_MATCH Whether or not the competency and URL filtering will require exact string matches.

Setting up SSL

This stack uses Certbot and Nginx to handle SSL, including temporary self-signed certs to help the process along. We run the init-ssl.sh script during setup to place these into a directory corresponding to Nginx's HOSTNAME variable.

With that, the stack can start without issue but to get an actual SSL cert from Certbot:

sudo ./certbot/generate.sh <HOSTNAME>

API Usage

The API for this service is pretty basic, as there are really just two endpoints that will be used by external things like competency services or LEM xAPI-XI resolution.

For the paths below, <root> refers to whatever the site's basic root path is. Usually, this will have the form https://some.domain.net/xi.


Primary endpoint for retrieving and filtering the XI entries. This endpoint accepts a few arguments, depending on its use-case.

Argument Default Description
secret None API password for querying entries outside of a SSO context, configurable with the ENV file.
competency None A competency URI to filter the entries.

When present, will only return entries that defined this competency within their educationalAlignment array.
url None The URL for the piece of content assigned to this entry.

When present, will only return entries with a matching url.
limit 1000 The maximum number of entries to return.
offset 0 The offset / pagination index for the entries to return.


Returns a single entry whose ID matches the path param. Each entry's handle property will be a URL with this format for retrieving it directly.

Argument Default Description
secret None API password for querying entries outside of a SSO context, configurable with the ENV file.