
Development repository for maven Chef Cookbook

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

maven Cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version

Install and configure Apache Maven from the binaries provided by the Maven project.

Provides the maven LWRP for pulling a maven artifact from a maven repository and placing it in an arbitrary location.

Note: This cookbook does not handle the installation of Java but does require it to be installed. This can be done either using the Java cookbook or your own cookbook. Check the Maven website for more information about explicit Java requirements.



  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • RHEL/CentOS/Scientific/Amazon/Oracle
  • Fedora
  • Windows


  • Chef 12.5+


  • java - java_ark custom resource used by the Maven LWRP
  • ark - used to unpack the maven tarball


  • node['maven']['version'] - specifies the version of maven to install.
  • node['maven']['m2_home'] - defaults to '/usr/local/maven/'
  • node['maven']['url'] - the download url for maven
  • node['maven']['checksum'] - the checksum, which you will have to recalculate if you change the download url using shasum -a 256 FILENAME
  • node['maven']['repositories'] - an array of maven repositories to use; must be specified as an array. Used in the maven LWRP.
  • node['maven']['setup_bin'] - whether or not to put mvn on your system path, defaults to false
  • node['maven']['mavenrc']['opts'] - value of MAVEN_OPTS environment variable exported via /etc/mavenrc template, defaults to -Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/.m2/repository -Xmx384m
  • node['maven']['user'] - User to own Maven install, defaults to root or Administrator depending on platform.
  • node['maven']['group'] - Group to own Maven install, defaults to root or Administrators depending on platform.



Installs maven according to the version specified by the node['maven']['version'] attribute.


Installs gems required to parse settings.xml to ruby and hash and back to xml


Install a version of Java JRE (Oracle or OpenJDK) that is at minimum the version of Java required by the maven release you are installing. This can be done either using the Java cookbook or your own cookbook.

Include the recipe where you want Apache Maven installed.

The maven lwrp has two actions, :install and :put. They are essentially the same accept that the install action will name the the downloaded file artifact_id-version.packaging. For example, the mysql jar would be named mysql-5.1.19.jar.

Use the put action when you want to explicitly control the name of the downloaded file. This is useful when you download an artifact and then want to have Chef resources act on files within that the artifact. The put action will creat a file named name.packaging where name corresponds to the name attribute.



Resource provider for modifying the maven settings.


Action Description Default
update Updates a global maven setting to a new value. Yes


Attribute Description Type Default
path Period '.' delimited path to element of the settings that is going to be changed. String name
value The new value to update the path to. String, TrueClass, FalseClass, Hash

In order to use this resource you first need to run settings recipe which will installed required bury gems for you. Find below exampl on how to update proxy in settings.xml

maven_settings "settings.proxies" do
  value "proxy" => {
    "active" => true,
    "protocaol" => "http",
    "host" => "proxy.myorg.com",
    "port" => 80,
    "nonProxyHosts" => ".myorg.com"


  • artifact_id - if this is not specified, the resource's name is used
  • group_id - group_id for the artifact
  • version - version of the artifact
  • dest - the destination folder for the jar and its dependencies
  • packaging - defaults to 'jar'
  • classifier - distinguishes artifacts that were built from the same POM but differ in context
  • repositories - array of maven repositories to use, defaults to ["http://repo1.maven.apache.org/maven2"]
  • owner - the owner of the resulting file, default is root
  • group - the group of the resulting file, default is root's group
  • mode - integer value for file permissions, default is 0644
  • transitive - whether to resolve dependencies transitively, defaults to false. Please note: Event true will only place one artifact in dest. All others are downloaded to the local repository.
  • timeout - sets the timeout (in seconds) of file download, default is 600


maven 'mysql-connector-java' do
  group_id 'mysql'
  version  '5.1.19'
  dest     '/usr/local/tomcat/lib/'
# The artifact will be downloaded to /usr/local/tomcat/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.19.jar

maven 'solr' do
  group_id  'org.apache.solr'
  version   '3.6.1'
  packaging 'war'
  dest      '/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/'
  action    :put
# The artifact will be downloaded to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/solr.war

maven 'custom-application' do
  group_id   'com.company.name'
  version    '2.0.0'
  dest       '/usr/local/tomcat/lib'
  classifier 'client'
  action     :put
# The artifact will be downloaded to /usr/local/tomcat/lib/custom-application-2.0.0-client.jar

License & Authors

Author: Seth Chisamore (schisamo@chef.io)

Author: Bryan W. Berry (bryan.berry@gmail.com)

Author: Leif Madsen (lmadsen@thinkingphones.com)

Copyright: 2008-2017, Chef Software, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.