Summary Poster


This repository houses the data and code to reproduce the analysis of our paper in Global Change Biology: "Interannual climate variability mediates changes in carbon and nitrogen pools caused by annual grass invasion in a semi-arid shrubland"

The script to create figures 1 and 2 is R/c_js_figs.R, and the script for figures 3 and 4 is R/tidymods.R.

R/ggplot_sem.R contains functions to create figures from lavaan objects, and these are used to create figure 5 in R/d_sem_mods.R. An older version of the manuscript had path models for plant C:N ratios as well, and the code for those is still in R/d_sem_mods.R.

Things might be a little less than straightforward, but the data are all there. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Full citation for the paper is here:

Mahood, A. L., Jones, R. O., Board, D. I., Balch, J. K., & Chambers, J. C. (2021). Interannual climate variability mediates changes in carbon and nitrogen pools caused by annual grass invasion in a semiarid shrubland. Global Change Biology, 00, 1– 18.