A simple bot that detects the mood of the user.
Example from Rasa getting started tutorial
- Clone Rasa starter pack
git clone https://github.com/RasaHQ/starter-pack-rasa-stack.git
cd starter-pack-rasa-stack
- Install PIP (Source: Stackoverflow)
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
- Install requirements (Source: Rasa Homepage and Solve tensorflow with Python 3.7 bug)
brew switch python 3.6.5
brew install hdf5
python -m pip install https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-1.12.0-py3-none-any.whl
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
- Install Rasa packages
pip3 install -U --user rasa_core
pip3 install -U --user rasa_nlu[tensorflow]
pip3 install -U --user ipython
- Set
variable according to your system
python3 -m rasa_nlu.train -c nlu_config.yml --data data/nlu_data.md -o model --fixed_model_name nlu --project current --verbose
python3 tests/test_args.py hello
This is the name of the script: tests/test_args.py
Number of arguments: 2
The arguments are: ['tests/test_args.py', 'hello']
"intent": {
"name": "greet",
"confidence": 0.9781364798545837
"entities": [],
"intent_ranking": [
"name": "greet",
"confidence": 0.9781364798545837
"name": "mood_affirm",
"confidence": 0.03868754208087921
"name": "mood_unhappy",
"confidence": 0.014160260558128357
"name": "goodbye",
"confidence": 0.0
"name": "mood_deny",
"confidence": 0.0
"name": "mood_great",
"confidence": 0.0
"text": "hello"
python3 -m rasa_core.train -d domain.yml -s data/stories.md -o model/dialogue
python3 run.py
<div class="chat-window" <p>Hi! you can chat in this window. Type 'stop' to end the conversation.</p></div>
<div class="chat-window" <p>Hi! you can chat in this window. Type 'stop' to end the conversation.</p><p></p></div>
<div class="chat-window" <p>Hi! you can chat in this window. Type 'stop' to end the conversation.</p><p></p><p>Hello</p><p>Hey! How are you?</p></div>
I feel great!
<div class="chat-window" <p>Hi! you can chat in this window. Type 'stop' to end the conversation.</p><p></p><p>Hello</p><p>Hey! How are you?</p><p>I feel great!</p><p>Great carry on!</p></div>