Welcome to my repository for the "Internet Technologies - Client Side" course assignment at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze). This repository contains a collection of projects, code samples, and resources that showcase my exploration and understanding of various client-side web technologies.
- Course Name: Internet Technologies - Client Side
- University: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Project Structure
- HTML Files
- Frontend CULS 2023
- Tools
- Content
- Presentation
- Scripting
- Contact Information
This project comprises HTML files, each serving as a chapter within the presentation. The chapters are organized as follows:
- Frontend CULS 2023
- Tools
- Content
- Presentation
- Scripting
Each HTML file consists of multiple sections, representing the content within each chapter.
This chapter introduces the presentation, providing information about the speaker, organization, theory, and project requirements.
This chapter delves into the tools employed in the presentation, including Source Control Management (Git and GitHub), code editors (Atom and Visual Studio Code), and developer tools.
The Content chapter focuses on documents, data, and various content formats such as HTML, XML, DOM, JSON, media, and more.
This chapter explores aspects related to the visual presentation of content, encompassing CSS, responsive design, frameworks, and communication in web applications.
The Scripting chapter covers JavaScript, live screens, NPM packages, popular frameworks, transpilers, tooling, JavaScript engines, and other frontend development-related topics.
For additional information or to get in touch with the presenter, you can contact Pepe through the following channels:
- Mixcloud: @damnpepe
- SourceHut: @pepe
- Telegram: @4207742778707
Thank you for using Pepe's Prez. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the presenter through the provided contact information. Enjoy the presentation!