TelegramLogin is a webservice combined with a Telegram Bot to bring social login to the Telegram platform.

TelegramLogin is based on the Laravel Framework. To get it running on your server, check the Laravel docs to get started. As database I use MySQL, but any other storage can be used as well.

  1. Checkout this repository git clone
  2. Install composer
  3. Run composer install in telegramlogin folder
  4. Copy the .env.example environment file to .env
  5. Replace all < > values in .env file to your personal values
  6. Set the webhook of your TelegramBot according to your WEBHOOK_TOKEN in your .env file (if your domain is and your WEBHOOK_TOKEN is e.g. randomToken, you must set the webhook of your Telegram Bot to
  7. enable Laravel scheduler
  8. Edit database/seeds/UserTableSeeder.php with your Telegram user data
  9. Run Laravel migration php aritsan migrate --seed

Official Documentation

Documentation for the TelegramLogin can be found on the


Check our FAQs on


TelegramLogin is open-sourced software licensed under GPL v3.0, documentation under CC BY 3.0.