
A vBulletin bot in python.

Primary LanguagePython


A relatively simple vBulletin bot utilizing Python's Mechanize module. Once initiated it will select threads to post in randomly based on their thread ID. It does so by means of a function that generates a string of digits. The URL, generated digits and a string containing ".html" are stored to a variable that is passed to a mechanized browser object that will open the randomly selected page and post a predefined message. After one operation is completed it will loop back to generate a new thread ID and start again.


To use the script you must first sign up for an account at the vBulletin based forum you intend to spam. When you've done so you need to change the following values within the script:


br["vb_login_username"] = "username"
br["vb_login_password"] = "password"

To the URL of the target forum and the credentials of the account you set up. After that you need to change the value of the base URL:

random_url = "http://www.exampleforums.org/forums/operating-systems/linux-1" + digit_generator(5, "0987654321") + ".html"

Go to your target forum, open a thread and copy the URL to the first part of the string while leaving the thread ID off so if you had an URL that looked like this:


It should look like this when you paste it into the script:


If the forum you're targeting happens to have a lot less posts then the example given here, you can change the amount of digits to be generated by changing the argument "size" that's passed to the digit generator function, to a lower amount.

Finally don't forget to add your personal message by changing the following to your specifications:

br[message] = "Your message here."


The script isn't particularly user friendly, i made it more or less as a personal side project. I may add some functionality that would make it easier to use in the future . Such as commandline arguments to take in the credentials for the account you set up and total number of posts to be placed to give some more control over the program.