enclica Messenger

You need NodeJS and Visual Studio Code for this to work.

To start working on enclica, Type npm install * in the Visual Studio Code terminal or try npm install.

Enclica logo

changelog dec-10-2021

New login screen with rounded corners.

Overhaul of the ui on the sidebar and main sections.

Quicker and smoother animations.

Complete rebrand.

Removing legacy code and replacing with async scripts.

Build enclica

  1. build the unbundled package by typing npm run winbuild for windows or npm run build for all platforms
  2. create the bundled installer for your version of enclica type node installers/<platform eg. darwin / windows / deb >/createinstaller.js.

node installers/windows/createinstaller.js

node installers/darwin/createinstaller.js

node installers/linux/createinstaller.js