
CloudFormation custom resource for invoking a Lambda function

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CloudFormation custom resource for invoking a Lambda function

Deploying to your account (via the console)

Go to this page and click the Deploy button.

Deploying via SAM/Serverless framework/CloudFormation

To deploy this app via SAM, you need something like this in the CloudFormation template:

  Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
      ApplicationId: arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:374852340823:applications/lambda-invocation-cfn-custom-resource
      SemanticVersion: <enter latest version>

# custom resource to invoke the PropagateAll function during deployment
  Type: Custom::LambdaInvocation
    - PropagateAll
    - LambdaInvocationCustomResource
    ServiceToken: !GetAtt LambdaInvocationCustomResource.Outputs.FunctionArn
    FunctionName: !Ref PropagateAll # REQUIRED
    # OPTIONAL, payload for the invocation
    # Payload: Object
    # OPTIONAL, specific alias or version to invoke
    # Qualifier: String
    # OPTIONAL, can be either "RequestResponse" or "Event". Defaults to "RequestResponse".
    # InvocationType: RequestResponse | Event
    # OPTIONAL, context about the calling client to be passed to the invocation
    # ClientContext: String
    # OPTIONAL, only available for "RequestResponse" invocation type, whether to rethrow
    # any errors from the invocation. Defaults to true.
    # Rethrow: true | false
    # OPTIONAL, when to invoke the target function. Can be a string - "Create", "Update", "Delete"
    # or "All". Or it can be a string array containing "Create", "Update" or "Delete".
    # Default is to invoke on both "Create" and "Update".
    # When: Create | Update | Delete | All | []

To do the same via CloudFormation or the Serverless framework, you need to first add the following Transform:

Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

For more details, read this post.