
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

📗 Table of Contents

📖 Practice Test Driven Development(TDD)

In this project you will implement a class with some methods, but you will do it by doing test-driven development (TDD). Remember that the idea is to write tests first and then the code. #Project requirements

  • Create a class called Solver. Create a method called factorial that takes one argument, an integer N, and returns the factorial for that number. The factorial is the multiplication of all integers from 1 to N and has the special case that the factorial of 0 is 1. This method only accepts 0 and positive integers, so if a negative integer is given it should raise an exception. Create a method called reverse that takes one argument, a string word, and returns word reversed (e.g. if word is "hello" it returns "olleh").
  • Create a method called fizzbuzz that takes one argument, an integer N, and returns a string. The returned string is constructed following these rules: When N is divisible by 3, return "fizz". When N is divisible by 5, return "buzz". When N is divisible by 3 and 5, return "fizzbuzz". Any other case, return N as a string (e.g. say N is 7 then return "7"). Remember to start with tests for all of the methods described above. Your commit history should prove that you have used TDD.

🛠 Built With

🛠 Tech Stack

  • Ruby
  • Rspec
  • Client

    Key Features

    • serves as good practice for TDD.
    • Reverse a string app.
    • FizzBuzz app

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    💻 Getting Started

    To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


    In order to run this project you need:

    • Mac or PC
    • Install Ruby
    • Understanding of Ruby
    • IRB
    • Gems to test linters
    • RSpec to run tests


    Clone this repository to your desired folder:

      cd into your-folder
     git clone https://github.com/admirerbrown/Rspec_TDD.git


    Install this project with:

    • GitHub Actions
    • Linters
    • Rubocop
    • Ruby
    • Rspec


    • Use this project as a step to learning to practice building backend applications with Ruby and OOP concepts.
    • run "Rspec your-file-name"

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    👥 Author

    👤 Samuel Kyere

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    🔭 Future Features

    • **Add more practice classes **
    • Add more complex requirements
    • Add console interface

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    🤝 Contributing

    Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

    Feel free to check the issues page.

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    ⭐️ Show your support

    If you like this project, please leave a ⭐️

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    🙏 Acknowledgments

    I would like to thank Microverse for providing us with reading materials that aided us to during the project development

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    ❓ FAQ

    • Can I use this code?

      • yes, it is open source. Feel free to fork it.
    • Can I contribute to this project?

      • Contact me so I can add you as a collaborator. Alternatively you can leave an issue, it will be well appreciated.

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    📝 License

    This project is MIT licensed.

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