👨‍💻 About Me:

🔭 I’m currently working on a complete electronic billing system.
🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on all sorts of open-source devops engineering, backend and frontend projects.
🌱 I’m currently learning Linux Kernel Development
💬 Ask me about coding: https://twitter.com/admodevops

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💻 Tech Stack:

Apache Groovy C C++ CSS3 Clojure Go GraphQL Haskell HTML5 Java JavaScript Julia Lua Markdown PHP Perl Python Ruby Rust Scala Shell Script Solidity Swift TypeScript AWS Datadog DigitalOcean Firebase Google Cloud Heroku Netlify Oracle OpenStack Vercel AdonisJS Anaconda Angular Angular.js Bootstrap Chakra Django DjangoREST Electron.js Ember Expo Express.js Flask Gulp Jasmine jQuery JWT Laravel MUI NPM NestJS Next JS NodeJS Pug Quasar Rails UNITY UNREAL IOS ANDROID React React Native React Router Redux RxJS SASS Socket.io Spring Styled Components Svelte Symfony TailwindCSS Vue.js Vuetify Webpack Yarn Apache Apache Maven Jenkins Nginx AmazonDynamoDB CockroachLabs MariaDB MicrosoftSQLServer MongoDB MySQL Postgres Redis SQLite Supabase Adobe XD Figma Keras NumPy Pandas TensorFlow LINUX Ansible Arduino Babel CMake Docker ESLint ElasticSearch Gradle Jira Kubernetes Notion Postman Rancher Raspberry Pi Swagger Terraform Trello Vagrant

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