
A lab management system developed for Heriot-Watt University and to be used as my final year dissertation project.

Primary LanguageVue


This is a lab management system developed for Heriot-Watt University and for my final year dissertation project.

A running version of this can be found at: wattlab.tech

Backup Link: Heroku App

Making Chanages to Client

Use the vue/cli to create a build with

cd vue
npm run build

And move the newly created dist folder back into the server folder to be served.

cd vue
move "dist" "../server"

Environemt Variables for development

For the client builds, create a .env.development.local with the keys:

# String pointing to localhost with socket server port being served on
VUE_APP_SOCKETIO_CONNECTION = "http://localhost:3000"
# String pointing to localhost with API server port being served on

For the production builds, create a .env.production.local with the keys:

# String pointing to https link that API is deployed too

The server must have a .env file with the port to be deployed too for development

PORT= 3000

API Development must be supplied with these keys in a .env file:

PORT= 4000          # For Devlopment serve to port 4000
DB=""               # Connection string to the Mongo DB
KEY=""              # Key used for encrypting and verifying passwords

Environemt Variables for deployment

For the server:

API_ENDPOINT=""     # HTTP String to API location

For the API:

DB=""               # Connection string to the Mongo DB
KEY=""              # Key used for encrypting and verifying passwords