Client that sits on the Media Service and Media Database. Uses Vue3, Vite, Pinia, Vuetify 3, TS and Auth0
For local development, you will need to provide a .env
file in the root of the project with the following variables. For deployment, you will need to configure these variables
# Project setup
npm i
# build and hot-load
npm run dev
# compile and Minify for Production
npm run build
# lint
npm run lint
- Typescript and Vue3
- more in depth TS info here
- how to transition from vue-class-components to the CompositionAPI
- Vuex is being deprecated so let's use Pinia! 🍍
- More about Pinia
- Vite Configuration Reference
- Static deployment using Vite
- Render Deployment
- you can connect your github repo to Render and it will automatically deploy when new commits are pushed. neat!
- important notes about deploying Vue apps using redirects for proper router behavior
- see this app in action at
- Vuetify 3 beta
- Material Design Icons
- lint
- For Vue3 it is recommended to disable Vetur and use VSCode extensions Volar and TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)
- TheMovieDB API documentation
- it's not great. this is just a demo. we don't even store a password because i don't want to tempt anyone to give me something sensitive (say, a pw that's tied to like 83 other actual websites with actual data)
- email doesn't even have to be real -- auth is simply based on a username/email string pair that you will (hopefully) remember and use to login
- I might use localStorage to save user creds (so you can refresh at-will without having to login) but this is susceptible to attacks, so again PUT NOTHING SACRED INTO THIS WEBSITE -- not your banking password, maybe not even your real email, not your hopes and dreams
- ideally look into storing user info in cookies using HttpOnly or going all in and learning about/implementing OAuth
- search movies and television shows available on IMDB/The Movie DB
- add searched items to your collection
- rate your items, mark them as watched, favorite, or queue them to watch next
- sort, filter and search within your collection
- pick a random item from your collection (or filtered collection)
- display info about which platforms a given title is available on
- custom user-defined lists
- notes field
- export data to csv/json -- you always own your data even if you hate UpNext and quit using it
- mass select/delete
- filter collection by streaming availability
- reassess how we show items in "collection" -- make a more generic concept like "filteredItems" that could be either collection or list contents that is further filtered down?
- consider merging ListView and CollectionView
- once that's fixed, random should pull from whatever is currently being viewed
- implement "add list" - what is UX for adding/editing a list?
- embed search results in the nav drawer, not a popup
- handle what happens when you search and try to add something that's already in your collection -- show toast?
- make edit-list icon visible always for mobile
- add ability to make notes on your titles
- improve TitleDetail view
- do real authentication
- show rating/favorite/watched icons on collection cards
- we currently load/show streaming data only when an item is selected -- there's a limit of 10 requests per second so if we wanted to show this info at the collection level, we'd need to do some ghetto async loading in the background
- get cast/writer/director data and make it searchable and sortable
- go through genre filter and make sure you got'em all in your default seed list
- add special random function to home page maybe
- look for
in comments - import/export option
- StreamingAvailabilityApi uses MovieDB under the hood and exposes many of the same props so we could potentially use this instead. some missing/differences:
- fewer genres
- rating is out of 100 maybe, not out of 10, and is slightly different...?
- tv has way more props in movieDb response
- option to set your streaming services and highlight titles that are on them
- other api integration options:
- add uNoGS to query whether or not a movie is available on netflix
- or try Watch Here -- get all the streaming things at once! -- would have to pay for this one
- add bechdel test api integration
- wow yr build takes one million years... see if you can delete some unused packages or something
- look for cool stuff to do with this
- maybe look into this to spice things up
- all kinds of crazy animations here
- check out animations
- when it's done-ish, pull to-do list from v1.0 and work on that
- add alert banner warning that data is persistent but subject to change
- lazy-loading in router/index.ts
- fonts, my dude
- contact form?
- improve or remove page loader
- scss -- maybe? css may be preferred
- see if i can detect dark mode and set to dark automatically:
const isDarkMode = () => window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches; // Testing console.log(isDarkMode());
- mobile-friendly navBar
- mobile-friendly detail view
- scratch auth0 for simplicity's sake
- on login/signup, show loading bc prod db is slow
- login is case sensitive -- make it not so
- add mediaDetail modal to add a search item to collection; make sure you clear search props when opening modal
- can i filter cards like a table? or can i make a table look like cards? -- yeah i think you just... filter the list...?
- show which filter buttons are selected
- get knowing about CompositionAPI and OptionsAPI -- check that you're using best practices
- fix referenceError in sub menus in mobile navbar
- wrap service stuff in try/catch -- cors errors etc are not getting caught
- clean up loading in modals -- lock them once an action is submitted
- add some sort options
- add more info to search so you can tell what you're looking at
- add find-in-collection
- implement Surprise!
- finish writing out genre types
- add genre filter
- limit random to filteredCollection
- use the same component for SearchDetail and MediaDetail if possible
- error display
- check out this api to supply streaming availability
- improve streaming info display -- make it mobile friendly
- implement or remove poster preview
- add user-defined lists
- replace v-menus with temporary navigation drawers
- should filter/sort open on right side?
- dynamic button text for filters doesn't work
- temporary doesn't work for the nav-drawer, or only works once?
- sticky filter bar
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- Disable the built-in TypeScript Extension
- Run
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- Reload the VSCode window by running
Developer: Reload Window
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