
Relations and seeds for the PostgreSQL database that supports the movie app and service

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL


Relations and seeds for the PostgreSQL database that supports the movie app and service


# login to manage db locally
psql -d media -U postgres
  • to seed, copy/paste /seeders/media.sql into the psql cli or just use PGAdmin GUI



  • consider adding a DateModified to User and UserTitle tables
  • as it stands, if a user has a title stored, then deletes it, then adds it again, we really just set the existing object to inactive and then active again: one titleId/imdbId per userId is strictly enforced.
    • for now this seems good but it might get weird if we attach more metadata to userTitle
    • ex: you have an entry and take notes on it, then delete it, then add it again and see the notes. is that what you expect?