A barebones Node.js app using Express 4.
This application supports the Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js article - check it out.
Make sure you have Node.js and the Heroku CLI installed.
$ git clone https://github.com/heroku/node-js-getting-started.git # or clone your own fork
$ cd node-js-getting-started
$ npm install
$ npm start
# with nodemon hot-loading
$ npm run start:dev
Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
- to deploy to prod:
- scripts to init data are in /seeders
# use powershell for the following # login to your postgres app heroku pg:psql postgresql-rugged-34339 --app intense-castle-24661 # populate your prod db cat .\seeders\media.sql | heroku pg:psql postgresql-rugged-34339 --app intense-castle-24661 # deploy app git push heroku master
## GET
curl http://localhost:5000/user
curl http://localhost:5000/user/1
## POST new
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"username":"foo","email":"foo@bar.com","firstname":"johnny","lastname":"sixpack"}' http://localhost:5000/user/
## GET
curl http://localhost:5000/user/1/movies
curl http://localhost:5000/user/1/movies/8392
## PUT existing
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request PUT --data '{"id":"8392","watched":"true","favorite":"false"}' http://localhost:5000/user/1/movies
## POST new
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"id":"83", "imdbId":"tt41556","watched":"false","favorite":"false"}' http://localhost:5000/user/1/movies
For more information about using Node.js on Heroku, see these Dev Center articles:
- Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js
- Heroku Node.js Support
- Node.js on Heroku
- Best Practices for Node.js Development
- Using WebSockets on Heroku with Node.js
- REASSESS DB STRUCTURE - put movies and tv into one table with a reference table for type unless there's a strong reason not to
- better error handling so our server doesn't crash
- authentication
- request validation
- do prod tips in article
- add some logging perhaps