CPPprograms is a repository containing basic programs and projects I worked on while Learning C++ programming language:
hello.cpp : Writing the traditional hello world! program in c++ as my first program
vectormul.cpp : program to multiply the elements of two given vectors element-wise and adding the resulting numbers.
matrixmul.cpp :Building upon the vector.cpp program this one takes 2d-Vector/Matrices as inputs multiplies them element-wise and add the resulting numbers.
printboard.cpp : Program to output the elements of a given vectors, printing each row line by line to the terminal.
outputboard.cpp : Working on taking inputs for external files now, this basic program takes as input a file and returns it's element(currently just numbers) as output to the terminal. The program first streams the contents of the input file into "ifstream" object, then the lines of this object are further streamed into strings using sstringstream object from their each integers of the input file is added to a 2d vector using "push_back" method and then the contents of the file are output to the terminal.