
A Full-stack Invoice Management Application using React Js, JDBC, Java Servlets.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The objective of this project is to build a Full-stack Invoice Management Application using React Js, JDBC, Java Servlets.

This project is a task assigned by HighRadius in their Highway2Highradius internship program.


The application must cover the following milestones listed below:

  • Milestone 1 - Using Collections Framework for Read Write Operations
  • Milestone 2 - Connecting Database using JDBC
  • Milestone 3 - API call using Servlets
  • Milestone 4 - Create Table using html and css
  • Milestone 5 - Create data grid using React JS Components
  • Milestone 6 - Creation of Grid using Material UI


To run the Invoice Application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/adnan1710/Invoice-Application.git
  2. Set up the database by importing the provided SQL file.
  3. Open an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA and create a new Dynamic-Web Project.
  4. Go to the backend directory Invoice-Application/Backend and copy the contents in the newly created Dynamic-Web Project.
  5. Configure Server(Tomcat 8.5) and then start the server.
  6. Now change into the frontend directory: cd Invoice-Application/react-16.8
  7. Install the dependencies: npm install
  8. Start the application: npm start
  9. Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000


Once the application is up and running, you can access it through your web browser. The home page will provide options to create new invoices, view existing invoices, look up analytics view using graphs.

Follow the on-screen instructions to create invoices by providing necessary details. You can also update and delete existing invoices as needed.

The application allows you to filter and search invoices based on various criteria. This makes it easy to track and manage your invoices effectively.

Technologies Used

The Invoice Application is built using the following technologies:

  • React.js
  • MySQL
  • Java for server side code

Additional dependencies and libraries are listed in the package.json file.