Git commands

git help

git help config git config --global "golam chowdhury" git config --global git config --global color.ui true

git init

creates local repo

git status

what is changed after last commit

git add

for start tracking on the file and to add changes to staging

git commit -m "updated README.txt with 5 commands"

for committing the changed to local repo [staging to repo]

git add --all

adds all new or modified files to staging

git add <list of files>
git add -all
git add *.txt
git add docs/*.txt
git add docs/
git add '*.txt'

git log

to show history

git diff

changes vs staging

git diff --staged

staging vs local repo

git reset HEAD

to un-stage the file (the version from time-line Head replaces the staging version, but the file changes are there in local file system)

git checkout -- filename

blow away all changes in this file since last commit

git commit -a -m "Modify readme"

To stage+commit same time, does not include new files [un-tracked]

git reset --soft HEAD^

reset into staging (rollback last commit, HEAD^ is the previous state of HEAD)

git commit --amend -m "message"

this commit will merge with last commit and overwrite commit message

git reset --hard HEAD^

blow away last commit and all changes

git reset --hard HEAD^^

blow away last two commits and all changes

git remote add origin https://aaaadfdfd.git

adding remote named 'origin'. this adds the mapping {origin:address} to local repo

git remote add <name> <address>

adding new remote

git remote rm <name>

removing remote

git push -u

'local branch' to 'remote push' [ if -u is used, next time only git push will work ]

password caching during push

git clone url [local-name]

  1. creates local directory and repo
  1. adds the 'origin' remote pointing it to clone URL
  2. checks out initial branch (likely master) and sets the head

git remote -v

lists all remotes

git branch feature2018

creates a new branch

git branch

shows branch list and current branch with a *

git checkout f2018

switches branch


list files in this branch

git merge f2018

merges f2018 into current branch, its a 'fast forward' merge if original branch was not modified meantime

git branch -d f2018

removing branch f2018 (when you are done it by merging it to master)

git checkout -b feat

created a branch named feat and checked it out

git pull

'git fetch' and then merges the origin/master to master

  1. git fetch
  2. git merge origin/master

git commit -a

after resolving conflicts manually, to do 'merge commit'

git push origin shopping_cart

newly created shoppping_cart branch is pushed to remote, 'origin' , so that others can work on it

git branch -r

list all remote branches

git checkout shopping_cart

Branch shopping_cart set up to track remote branch shopping_cart from origin. Switched to a new branch 'shopping_cart' (another developer does this.)

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/admin admin

branch 'admin' set up to track remote branch 'admin' from 'origin' (means local 'admin' merges with remote 'admin')

git branch -m

how to rename a local branch

git push origin :shopping_cart

deletes remote branch shopping_cart, but keeps the local intact

git branch -d shopping_cart

deletes local branch shopping_cart if changes are merged to some other branch, if not, it shows warning

git branch -D shopping_cart

then deletes the local branch, even if there are unmerged changes in this branch