Python code for detecting malicious website from given dataset
This repository got the following : a. Dataset b. Code
a. Datasets : I took the dataset from kaggle, to learn more about the dataset you can visit the link as follow -
* Urcuqui, C., Navarro, A., Osorio, J., & Garcıa, M. (2017). Machine Learning Classifiers to Detect Malicious Websites. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol 1950, 14-17.
b. Code : The code is wriiten in python , I used three machine-learning algorithm here they are: 1. Logistic regression 2. K-NN 3. Random forest
For visualizing the input data I used seaborn heatmap,pairplot and countplot.
I used sklearn metrics accuracy score to first find out the accuracy of my models, then used other
sklearn metrics like confusion metrics and classification report for showing various accuracy
parameters for the models. I got highest accuracy using random forest algorithm.