
Mo3jam a domain specific community dictionary.

Primary LanguagePython


Mo3jam is field specific community dictionary, currently under developmet. Both docker and manuall installation are supported.

Running Guide

Docker installation

First you need to make sure that docker and docker-compose are installed in your system, then the application can be simply started using:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yaml up

If 5000 is already in use in your labtop, you can change the port to any port you want:

      - "<your_port>:80"
      - "443:443"

Manual installation

First you need to have python installed >= 3.6, then you need to have ElasticSearch and MongoDB installed on your labtop.

Then you need to install your dependencies using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can run the application:

python run.py


The API currently is on version 1.0 and it contains the following resources:

  • users
  • unregistered-users
  • terminologies
  • domains
  • dictionaries
  • terminologies/<terminology_uid>/translations
  • terminologies/<terminology_uid>/notes
  • roles
  • search


POST /api/v1.0/unregistered-users/

	"name": "adnan",
	"email": "adnan@ex.com"

POST /api/v1.0/terminologies/

 	"term": "sync",
 	"creator": "40c4fb05-e1d8-4878-b7fa-7e9fefa82b0e",
 	"domain": "68532105-1aea-4114-960f-90019674bc86",
 	"translations": [
			"value": "sol",
			"creator": "40c4fb05-e1d8-4878-b7fa-7e9fefa82b0e",
			"author": "40c4fb05-e1d8-4878-b7fa-7e9fefa82b0e",
			"notes": "first note",
			"source": null
 	"notes": [
			"value": "a note",
			"creator": "40c4fb05-e1d8-4878-b7fa-7e9fefa82b0e"
 	"language": "en"

DELETE /api/v1.0/terminologies/c9372296-ee07-4dcb-bc50-f27a51dabf71/translations/d6776b58-177f-411b-adaf-3bddf066ebb7


Currently authorization is turned off for simplicity, but expect this to change in the future.