Adno demo

Get started with ADNO

Adno is a web application to visualize, edit and a peer-to-peer sharing for static high quality pictures.

ADNO has 2 available versions : a Full version including the Editor and Viewer and the Light one including only the Viewer.

How to start with ADNO ?

First, go to ADNO Repository and download the version you would like to use (FULL or LIGHT)

Unzip the ADNO package

In order to use the app on your machine, you need to use a web server

Go to your folder containing ADNO and can create a light web server

You can use this command to run a web server on the port 8080

python -m http.server 8080

Enjoy using Adno !


IIIF pictures examples


For developpers


First, install NodeJS on your computer

Then, open a command prompt and you need to install the package manager Yarn with the command

npm install --global yarn

Starting procedure

If you want to contribute to ADNO here are few steps to start

  • clone the project from github git clone
  • switch to adno-react branch git checkout adno-react
  • Start the project with the following command : yarn start
    • Create a .env file and put the version you would like to use by using the variable ADNO_MODE=FULL or ADNO_MODE=LIGHT

      If you are on Linux or MacOS


      FULL VERSION echo "ADNO_MODE=FULL" > .env

Copy the followings commands to your terminal : It will automatically clone the project from github, install all the required dependencies and finally start the project on http://localhost:1234

git clone
cd adno
git checkout adno-react
yarn start

Build procedure

yarn build-light
yarn build-full

Manage Errors

In case of getting errors, there are some solutions.

You can try to :

  • Remove node_modules folder

      rm -r node_modules
  • Remove cache from parcel

      rm -r .parcel-cache
  • Remove yarn.lock

      rm yarn.lock

Copy all commands rm -r node_modules rm -r .parcel-cache rm yarn.lock yarn start


Host ADNO with Github Pages

Download the latest release of Adno with the version of your choice ( full-version or light-version) from

Unzip the archive to your folder and push it to your Github repository.

Once you’ve pushed to Github you need to go to Github’s website, select your repository and click on the “settings” tab.

Then, select the tab “Pages” on the left panel.

You’ll have to select the branch you want to deploy the website from and save your choice.

Enjoy using Adno !

Hosting ADNO with Netlify

Create an account on Netlify

Create a project on Netlify

Build your project from yarn build-full for the full version and yarn build-light for the light version.

Upload your build folder to Netlify