
OpenDust: A fast GPU-accelerated code for calculation forces, acting on micro-particles in a plasma flow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


OpenDust: A fast GPU-accelerated code for calculation forces, acting on microparticles in a plasma flow

Opendust is GPU-based, Python library for dusty plasmas.

OpenDust aims to provide researchers both experimenters and theorists user-friendly and high-performance tool for calculation forces, acting on microparticles, and microparticles’ charges in a plasma flow.

OpenDust performance originates from highly-optimized Cuda back-end and allows to perform self-consistent calculation of plasma flow around microparticles in seconds.


OpenDust is installed using Miniconda.

  1. Begin by installing the most recent 64 bit, Python 3.x version of Miniconda
  2. For using OpenDust you need Nvidia GPU. Make sure you have installed modern GPU drivers. CUDA itself will be provided by the cudatoolkit package when you install opendust in the next steps.
  3. Open a command line terminal and type the following commands
conda create -n opendust
conda activate opendust
conda install -c kolotinsky -c conda-forge opendust

With recent conda versions (v4.8.4+), this will install a version of OpenDust compiled with the latest version of CUDA supported by your drivers. Alternatively you can request a version that is compiled for a specific CUDA version with the command

conda install -c kolotinsky -c conda-forge opendust cudatoolkit=10.0

where 10.0 should be replaced with the particular CUDA version you want to target.



How to cite

In case of usage OpenDust please cite the article:

Kolotinskii D., Timofeev A. OpenDust: A fast GPU-accelerated code for the calculation of forces acting on microparticles in a plasma flow //Computer Physics Communications. – 2023. – Т. 288. – С. 108746.

Author's contacts

If you have any questions, comments or offers related to the OpenDust package or the base article do not to hesitate to contact me!

Email: kolotinskiy.da@phystech.edu

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniil_Kolotinskii

Telegram: @daniil_kolotinskii