
Futures branch LLVM compile error on 10.8.4 (and patch)

rtissera opened this issue · 8 comments

Futures branch does not compile on stock 10.8.4 OS X.
Provided the asdoc fix (begging for 32 bit JVM), there is another error during LLVM compilation spawn by
line 480 just patch
struct dword {
struct {
because Apple LLVM latest version does not allow declaring types in anonymous unions.

Hope it helps, please merge this tiny patch to futures branch ;)

I don't see this error.
I am using 10.7.5 plus xcode 4.6.3 (4H1503). Is this older than yours?

Yes Using 10.8.4 with XCode 5.0.
Xcode 5.x release series include Apple LLVM 5.0 Compiler based on Clang/LLVM 3.3 SVN build.
Here is compiler banner :
Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.75) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin12.4.0
Thread model: posix

Oh, Xcode 5! Fashion is not that good at software building.
From Appstore, seems Xcode 5 still has kinds of annoying issues. I prefer to stay until it gets better. Sorry.

Err.... sure. But that's still a semantic error in the code that will have to be fixed sooner or later.
Anyway, I can guess the futures branch still has a long way to come before nitpicking such issues.

Oh, come on, not that long. For such errors, sincerely welcome you to contribute patch!

Ok thanks I will write a patch and submit a pull request then. BTW what is the current status of futures branch ?

@rtissera Did you succesfully build up every target with xcode 5?
And seems gcc is removed in xcode 5.

No, you need to patch up the source code in order to be LLVM compliant.
Yes, XCode 5 is LLVM/Clang only.

I am currently stuck on binutils / gold issue as discussed here :

2013/10/24 Ye Liu

@rtissera Did you succesfully build up
every target with xcode 5?
And seems gcc is removed in xcode 5.

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