
Will Crossbridge be supported officially by Adobe continuously?

shaotsui opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I’d like to make sure Crossbridge will be supported officially by Adobe continuously or not. My team is using FlasCC to develop some modules in our Flash 3D engine & game projects. Since FlasCC became open source project, we’re a little worried about Adobe may not develop/maintain it in the future. Is there any official announcements (websites or official blogs) can help us clarify?
Thank you.
Shao (

I guess you've got your answer 👎

I'm a bit puzzled about the situation of the project. Is it dead ?

The Flash product manager said the Crossbridge project is no longer supported/maintained by Adobe.

Too bad. 1.0 version has many limits and flaws and 1.1 with full clang/llvm
migration was my biggest hope to see major issues resolved.

I am going to switch to emscripten / HTML 5...
Le 5 avr. 2014 08:03, "Jean-Marc Le Roux" a
écrit :

The Flash product manager said the Crossbridge project is no longer
supported/maintained by Adobe.

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You might want to check minko then:
Emscripten is integrated out of the box and you have 3D, physics, particles, etc...