
Module that contains all the Adobe I/O SDKs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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This is the Adobe I/O SDK. This contains:

SDK Health

The module can be added to your project with:

npm install @adobe/aio-sdk --save

Here is a snippet:

const adobeIOSdk = require('@adobe/aio-sdk')
// OR ...
const { Core, State, Files, Target, Analytics, CampaignStandard, CustomerProfile, Events } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk')

// Core example
// set a config value using the Core SDK Config module
Core.Config.set('my.token', 1234)

// State example
// init when env vars __OW_API_KEY and __OW_NAMESPACE are set (e.g. when running in an OpenWhisk action)
const state = await State.init()
// get a value from the state store
const { value, expiration } = await state.get('key')
// Files example
// init when env vars __OW_API_KEY and __OW_NAMESPACE are set (e.g. when running in an OpenWhisk action)
const files = await Files.init()
// write private file
await files.write('mydir/myfile.txt', 'some private content')

// Target example
const targetClient = await Target.init('<tenant>', 'x-api-key', '<valid auth token>')
const activities = await targetClient.getActivities({limit:5, offset:0})

// Analytics example
const analyticsClient = await Analytics.init('<companyID>', 'x-api-key', '<valid auth token>')
const collections = await analyticsClient.getCollections({limit:5, page:0})

// Campaign Standard example
const campaignStandardClient = await CampaignStandard.init('<tenant>', 'x-api-key', '<valid auth token>')
const profiles = await campaignStandardClient.getAllProfiles({ filters: [ 'byCRMId' ], hasCustomFilter: true })

// Customer Profile example
const customerProfileClient = await CustomerProfile.init('<tenant>', '<imsOrgId>', 'x-api-key', '<valid auth token>', '[sandbox]')
const profileParams = {
      entityId: '<entityId>',
      entityIdNS: '<entityIdNS>'
const customerProfile = await customerProfileClient.getProfile(profileParams)

// Adobe I/O Events sample
const eventsSDKClient = await Events.init('<orgId>', '<api-key>', '<valid JWT token>', '<http options>')
const eventsProviders = await eventsSDKClient.getAllProviders('<consumerOrgId>')


goto API


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.