
Create domainkeys for your domain by completing a DNS challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Franklin Domainkey Provider

Create domainkeys for your domain by completing a DNS or HTTP challenge


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Start by calling the service

$ curl https://eynvwoxb7l.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/helix-services/domainkey-provider/v1/

It will tell you that it needs a domain parameter, so we try again

$ curl -X POST -d domain=example.com https://eynvwoxb7l.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/helix-services/domainkey-provider/v1/

This will return instruction on setting completing the callenge. The response contains a domain key that will be a UUID like f4a5cb7f-adac-450c-919f-a12b13cec116 as well as a challenge that is a hash of the domain key and your domain like 4a159285c173d7ac98a3e20c746b46d191ea14dd53214b42a2f6ed36f7d2aeb7

There are now two ways to complete the challenge, either by setting a DNS record, or by providing an HTTP response.

DNS Challenge

Create a TXT record for _rum_-challenge.example.com with the value of the challenge. You can verify that the record has been set using dig

$ dig TXT _rum-challenge.example.com

Once the record is set, you can call the service again to verify that the challenge has been completed and start issuing domain keys.

curl -X POST -d "domain=example.com&domainkey=f4a5cb7f-adac-450c-919f-a12b13cec116" https://eynvwoxb7l.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/helix-services/domainkey-provider/v1/

If the domain key has been verified and activated, you will see a response status of 201. If the domain key has not been verified, you will see a response status of 403.

HTTP Challenge

If you are using *.hlx.live as your origin, your CDN is already set up to complete the challenge.

If not, ensure that at https://example.com/_rum-challenge a response with the status code 204 and following response headers is created

  • x-rum-challenge: the challenge value or a list of challenge values separated by a space

You can verify that the challenge has been set using curl

$ curl -s -I https://example.com/_rum-challenge | grep x-rum-challenge
x-rum-challenge: 4a159285c173d7ac98a3e20c746b46d191ea14dd53214b42a2f6ed36f7d2aeb7

Once the challenge has been set, you can call the service again to verify that the challenge has been completed and start issuing domain keys.

$ curl -X POST -d "domain=example.com&domainkey=f4a5cb7f-adac-450c-919f-a12b13cec116" https://eynvwoxb7l.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/helix-services/domainkey-provider/v1/


Deploying Franklin Domainkey Provider

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