OpenWhisk action that can be registered as helix observation task. It will react on content changes via the observation service and notify the inner CDN with cache purge requests.
- ahmed-musallam@adobe
- amolanand18@adobe
- asansoEthereum Foundation
- bdelacretaz@adobe
- bogdanantonAdobe
- cgoudie@adobe
- cwoeltge@adobe
- cziegeler@adobe
- davidnuescheler@adobe
- ddragosdAdobe System
- dkuntze@adobe
- DominikSuess@adobe
- dylandepass@adobe
- eemailme
- jalagari@adobe
- jhcloos
- karlpauls@adobe
- kitarek@adobe
- lcrabb@adobe
- MarquiseRosierAdobe
- mblawrence@adobe
- meryllblanchet@adobe
- neerava
- nishant-gupta@adobe
- ravkiran@adobe
- rofe@adobe
- tripodsan@adobe
- visiongeist@adobe
- vpetcu@adobe