
Operational tooling for Project Helix services

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Helix Operations

Tooling for automating operations of Project Helix services


codecov CircleCI GitHub license GitHub issues LGTM Code Quality Grade: JavaScript semantic-release


$ npm install -D @adobe/helix-ops

Automated Monitoring

helix-ops provides the following command line tools intended to be run as part of your deployment pipeline to automate your monitoring:

Statuspage: Automated Update of Components

statuspage allows to automatically create components in Statuspage and return its automation email address.


$ npx statuspage
statuspage <cmd>

  statuspage setup  Create or reuse a Statuspage component

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --auth                                  Statuspage API Key (or env
                                          $STATUSPAGE_AUTH)  [string] [required]
  --page_id, --pageId                     Statuspage Page ID (or env
                                                             [string] [required]
  --name                                  The name(s) of the component(s)
  --description                           The description of the component
  --group                                 The name of an existing component
                                          group                         [string]
  --incubator                             Flag as incubator component
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --incubator_page_id, --incubatorPageId  Statuspage Page ID for incubator
                                          components   [string] [default: false]
  --silent                                Reduce output to automation email only
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

$ npx statuspage setup --group "Delivery"
Creating component @adobe/helix-example-service in group Delivery
Automation email: component+id@notifications.statuspage.io

Note: You can directly reuse the output of statuspage in your shell by adding the --silent parameter:

$ npx statuspage setup --group "Delivery" --silent

By default, the check will use the package name and description from your package.json, and leave group empty.

statuspage requires a Statuspage API Key that should be passed using either the --auth parameter or the STATUSPAGE_AUTH environment variable, as well as a Statuspage [Page ID] that should be passed using either the --page_id parameter or the STATUSPAGE_PAGE_ID environment variable.

New Relic: Automated Update of Synthetics Checks, Alert Policies and Notification Channels

newrelic automates the following New Relic features:

  1. creation or update of monitors in New Relics Synthetics
  2. creation of notification channels in New Relic Alerts
  3. creation or update of alert policies and conditions in New Relic Alerts
  4. wiring alert policies to notification channels and conditions to monitors


$ npx newrelic
newrelic <cmd>

  newrelic setup  Create or update a New Relic setup

  --version        Show version number                                 [boolean]
  --help           Show help                                           [boolean]
  --auth           Admin API Key (or env var $NEWRELIC_AUTH) [string] [required]
  --url            The URL(s) to check                        [array] [required]
  --email          The email address(es) to send alerts to               [array]
  --name           The name(s) of the monitor, channel and policy        [array]
  --group_policy   The name of a common policy to add the monitor(s) to [string]
  --group_targets  The 0-based indices of monitors to add to the group policy
                                                          [array] [default: [0]]
  --incubator      Flag as incubator setup                             [boolean]
  --locations      The location(s) to use                                [array]
  --frequency      The frequency to trigger the monitor in minutes      [number]
  --type           The type of monitor (api or browser)                 [string]
  --script         The path to a custom monitor script                  [string]

$ npx newrelic setup \
  --url https://adobeioruntime.net/api/v1/web/namespace/package/action@v1/_status_check/healthcheck.json \
  --email component+id@notifications.statuspage.io --group_policy "Delivery"
Creating monitor @adobe/helix-example-service
Updating locations and frequency for monitor @adobe/helix-example-service
Updating script for monitor @adobe/helix-example-service
Creating notification channel @adobe/helix-example-service
Creating alert policy @adobe/helix-example-service
Linking notification channel to alert policy @adobe/helix-example-service
Creating condition in alert policy
Verifying group alert policy Delivery
Updating alert policy condition

By default, the check will use the name from your package.json, but you can override it using the --name parameter.

newrelic requires a New Relic Admin's API Key (read the docs, it's different from your API key, even when you are an Admin) that should be passed using either the --auth parameter or the NEWRELIC_AUTH environment variable.

New Relic Synthetics Setup

Use with CircleCI

You can invoke the adobe/helix-post-deploy orb in your CircleCI config.yaml and use the monitoring command as a step in your job, with optional parameters. Note: you will still need to add @adobe/helix-ops as a dependency in your package.json.