
C# typography prettifier tool for web texts

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


C# typography prettifier tool for web texts, HTML support

– .NET Standard 2.0

NuGet NuGet


Install-Package TextPrettifier


TextPrettifier prettifier = new TextPrettifier();

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far,far away...
    It is a period of civil war. Rebel
    spaceships, <span title='this is a popular quote' style='font-weight: bold'>striking from a hidden
    base</span>, have won their first victory
    against the evil Galactic Empire.
    Price: 128 credits"));
A&nbsp;long time&nbsp;ago, in a&nbsp;galaxy&nbsp;far, far&nbsp;away...
It is a&nbsp;period of&nbsp;civil&nbsp;war. Rebel
spaceships, <span title='this is a popular quote' style='font-weight: bold'>striking from a&nbsp;hidden
base</span>, have won&nbsp;their first victory
against the&nbsp;evil Galactic Empire.

Price: 128&nbsp;credits


Double hyphen to dash


Merge spaces

Hello    world
Hello world

Space after comma

Hello, world

Non-breaking space between short and long words

striking from a hidden
striking from a&nbsp;hidden

Non-breaking space between number and following text

Price: 128 credits
Price: 128&nbsp;credits

Non-breaking space between long and short words

Going on a bus
Going&nbsp;on a&nbsp;bus

Non-breaking space around dash

Perpetuum Mobile — Myth
Perpetuum Mobile&nbsp;—&nbsp;Myth

Only text between > and < is prettified (outside of HTML tags)

striking from a hidden <span style=\"width: 3px\" title=\"not a big deal\">striking from a hidden</span>
striking from a&nbsp;hidden <span style=\"width: 3px\" title=\"not a big deal\">striking from a&nbsp;hidden</span>

Change log

  • 2020.2.1
    • longer text and base64 images wont break the parser
  • 2020.1.1
    • handle HTML tags correctly
    • Test